Important Disclosure


The table below discloses KNG SECURITIES LLP’s or its affiliates or employees' interests, if any, in relation to the securities mentioned herein.



 Frontera Energy


Tunisian Republic


1 - As of the date hereof, KNG SECURITIES LLP, the analyst or other KNG SECURITIES LLP’s employees who assisted in the drafting of sales and trading commentaries (or a member of his/her household) has a financial interest in the securities of this entity.           

2 - KNG SECURITIES LLP has received compensation for investment banking services from this entity during the past 12 months.

3 - KNG SECURITIES LLP expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from this entity within the next three months.

4 - KNG SECURITIES LLP or its affiliates has received compensation for products or services other than investment banking services from this entity during the past 12 months.     

5 - KNG SECURITIES LLP had a investment banking services, or a non-investment banking securities-related services or a non-securities services client relationship with this entity during the past 12 months.

6 - KNG SECURITIES LLP had (and/or currently has) a financial advisory relationship with certain creditors or equity holders with respect to the entity during the past 12 months.